Paddle Boarding and Mental Health
Not only swimming has proven mental health benefits. Paddle Boarding can also reduce anxiety and depression. Simply being near a body of water can low stress levels and make daily worries wash away.
If doing “danger dips” as some like to call slipping into cold water, just simply isn’t your thing, then perhaps paddle boarding is. With proven health benefits, GPs are now prescribing paddle board sessions over medication.
Here is why:
being on the water is calming to the mind - it is estimated that 300 million people suffer from depression. The combination of being near a body of water (well on top of to be precise) combined with exercise has proven benefits on well-being.
immerse yourself in nature - being surrounded by nature makes us respect our planet a little bit more and makes us feel very lucky to be surrounded by its beauty. Being on the water, especially the sea, is fascinating, the constantly changing tide unleashes magic everywhere.
low impact sport - unlike many other sports paddling is low impact and therefore friendlier on your joints. For this reason, it is accessible to those who find exercise tedious, strenuous and unenjoyable, or who can’t partake in cardio heavy sports.
killer ab workout - use the right technique and give yourself some toned abs!
fresh air - nothing beats it for positive mental well-being
its fun! Connect with people, have a splash, and have a laugh!
Is it really a workout?
Like anything, it depends on how much effort you put in, but essentially, YES!
tones abs - you are constantly using your core to balance
improves balance and proprioceptive awareness
burns calories - without even knowing it you are working your body
enhances cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate for a long duration of time
Have you ever tried to do a plank on a paddle board?! Give it a go and work twice was hard as doing it on land!